Regenerative farming
Regenerative Farming
Books on Regen
Call of the Reed Warbler by Charles Massy
Dirt to Soil by Gabe Brown
The Soil will Save us by Kristin Ohlson
For the Love of Soil by Nicole Masters
Holistic Management by Allan Savory
Soil by Matt Evans
Futuresteading by Jade Miles
Why you should give a F*ck about Farming Gabrielle Chan
Mould cleaner
All purpose mould killer - walls and ceilings, wood.
A simple mixture of 3 drops of clove oil (don’t use more – its very powerful), 1/2 cup vinegar to 5 cups of water as a mould killer and remover.
Spray the mixture on the mould and leave to dry overnight. The clove oil actually kills the spores rather than just “turning them white” which is what bleach does in this situation.
This same mixture can be used on a regular basis to inhibit future growth.
To clean grout
Follow steps above for cleaning walls and other surfaces.
Dip a toothbrush or specialist grout brush (get one from your local hardware store) in neat vinegar and then in a solution of 3 drops Oil of Cloves to 1/2 cup bicarb of soda.
While the brush is fizzing, scrub along the grout line with a brisk, up and down motion.
Repeat if necessary, although be aware that some darker mildew staining may take up to two weeks to disappear.
Spray lightly with a mixture of 3 drops Oil of Cloves to 1L water and leave to dry completely. This will help prevent the mould from returning.
How to fix mouldy leather goods
Portable leather items such as handbags, boxing gloves, belts and shoes (do a small test patch first if you are concerned about colour changes)
Add 3 drops of clove oil to 1/2 cup coconut oil. Wipe the mouldy areas with the solution, rubbing firmly in a circular motion.
Leave the oil to soak into the leather. Repeat if necessary, although allow up to two weeks for stains to disappear.
Use this solution regularly to prevent mould and remember to store your leather goods in a light, airy place.
Mould on leather furniture
Add 3 drops of clove oil to 1/2 cup vinegar. Wipe the mouldy areas with the solution, rubbing firmly in a circular motion. Allow to dry. Repeat if necessary, although allow up to two weeks for stains to disappear.
Rub your furniture with a solution of 3 drops of clove oil in 1/2 cup coconut oil regularly to prevent mould. Remember to thoroughly wipe up any food or drink spills off leather furniture immediately.
Note: Mould can be very dangerous, especially “black mould”. If you think you may have this more serious situation at your home, consulting a professional is recommended.
Mould cleaner for fabrics
How to fix mouldy fabrics, toys and non-washable fabrics
Portable, washable fabrics, such as curtains, cushions, clothing, bedding or towels
Soak the fabric in 1 cup salt (non-iodonised) in a 10L bucket of water with 3 drops of clove oil and 1 cup vinegar added (use the bath with the same ratio of water/oil/vinegar to salt for bigger items) and soak overnight. The salt, vinegar and essential oil will kill the mould.
In the morning, gently squeeze out as much water as possible and then hang the item in the sunshine to dry. A salt crust will form.
Once dry, leave the salt to sit for at least an hour, preferably longer.
Take the item down off the line and use a soft brush like a clean dustpan brush to remove the salt crust (use a stiff brush like a clean toilet brush for heavy fabrics). Do this over sheets of newspaper so when the mould and mildew comes away with the salt you can wrap the lot up and dispose of it in the bin.
Machine or hand wash the item in warm water with your usual detergent and hang in the sun to dry.
Spray lightly with a mixture of 3 drops Oil of Cloves to 1L water and leave to dry completely. This will help prevent mould returning.
Portable, non-washable fabrics such as teddy bears, suede, leather or silk
Lay down several sheets of newspaper and place the mouldy item on top.
Cover the mould with a thin layer of course salt that has been lightly dampened with vinegar and a drop of clove oil.
Leave the salt to sit for a day in the sunshine.
Brush the salt and mould off as above.
Repeat if necessary until all mould and mildew have been removed.
Spray lightly with a mixture of 3 drops of Clove oil to 1L water and leave to dry completely. This will help prevent mould returning.
Non-portable, non-washable fabrics such as carpets or outdoor umbrellas
Spray lightly with a mixture of 3 drops of Clove oil, 1/2 cup vinegar and 5 cups water and then sprinkle over the top with a thick layer of course salt.
Leave to dry completely overnight and then vacuum the next day.
Repeat steps until all mould has gone.
A basket by the door, Sophie Hansen
Tortellini at Midnight, Emiko Davies
The Whole Fish Cookbook, Josh Niland
Mastering The Art Of French Cooking, Julia Child
The Joy Of Cooking, Irma S Rombauer
Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking, Samin Nosrat
New Larousse Gastronomique, Hamlyn
Nose To Tail Eating, Fergus Henderson